Strategic Priorities


Exceptional Performance

Improving and increasing timely access to care by:

  •          Achieving OH West benchmarks for client to NP providerratios
  •          Planning for expansion of health care servicedelivery Demonstrating improvements in health equityby:
  •          Improving client satisfaction andengagement
  •          Seek to improve health equity for populations facingdisparity


Extraordinary Workplace

Becoming a healthy workplace of choice by:

  •          Demonstrating a culture of safety, curiosity, andexcellence
  •          Expanding HHR capacity and advancing skilledworkforce
  •          Fostering a physical space that is safe, accessible andinclusive
  •          Empowering staff to create solutions to improveoutcomes


Exemplary Partnerships and System Integration

Advancing clinic priorities through effective and intentional partnerships, including educational institutions by:

  •          Participating actively in health systemchanges/improvements
  •          Creating and expanding community networks/partnerships, looking beyondtraditional
  •          Improving collaborative/coordinatedcare